Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a form of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA housing has accessible features to assist residents with a disability live more independently. Typical examples include specialist designs, such as wide doorways, lower countertops, remote control technology and spaced-out layouts.
The Australian Commonwealth Government provides funding for SDA participants who meet specific eligibility criteria, as part of its National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). At the end of July 2023, the NDIS reported approximately 23,449 active participants who required some SDA support with more than 20% of current participants either seeking or unhappy with existing accommodation. Total NDIS participants have grown at a CAGR of 18.92% since 2020 with an additional 5,750 participants over the last twelve months, up 32.53% from 2022.
Investing in SDA is a form of impact investing which provides NDIS property investors with the opportunity to make a positive and measurable social impact whilst earning attractive returns.
Under the NDIS, The Australian Commonwealth Government provides funding to eligible SDA participants through a market-based approach by allocating funding to eligible participants. A participant can use that confirmed funding to then source the support including housing that appeals to them from the market.
Institutional investment in the sector especially from impact focused funds has increased given the attractive returns with partly government-backed revenue funded by the NDIS which has an annual budget for SDA estimated to be $700 million. Building the scale of housing required for the SDA market is expected to stimulate around $5 billion in private sector investment.
The interest in impact investing continues to grow globally with over US$30 trillion invested in professionally managed funds globally compared to under US$4 trillion in 2006.
In Australia and New Zealand, impact investment has more than doubled during the past 7 years to US$1.2 trillion. During this time Japanese impact investment has increased eightfold to US$4.3 trillion while impact investment in the United States and Europe is currently US$8.4 trillion and US$14 trillion respectively.
SDA is an emerging asset class that has huge potential to have a measurable impact on the lives of people living with a disability and generate attractive returns for investors that have the capacity to deploy capital at scale.
The Polar 993 Group is pleased to be able to assist investors to access opportunities in the SDA property sector.
If you have any questions regarding SDA, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to assist clients.
Eli Solowiejczyk: 0407 613 770 eli.solowiejczyk@polar993.com
or Adam Lindell: 0402 781 850 adam.lindell@polar993.com
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